
The word Podologia derives from the Greek: “podo” which means foot and “logos” means treatise. Thus, we can define podiatry as “study and treatment of the feet”. Podiatry is science in the health area, which aims to investigate, prevent, diagnose and treat pathologies that affect the foot and its repercussions on the human body, with the Podiatrist or Podiatrist being the health professional duly qualified for the treatment of pathologies of the foot.

Diabetic foot

Diabetic foot is an unsafe foot.
For people with diabetes, a Podiatrist’s treatment and prevention is fundamental.

Porque os pés são importantes em qualquer idade! A podologia geriátrica é uma área importante, pois procura amenizar as alterações apresentadas, dando ao idoso uma melhor qualidade de vida.


Because feet are important at any age!
Podogeriatry is an important area, as it seeks to ease some of the displayed changes, providing the elderly with a better quality of life.

Labour Podiatry

Tell us what’s your job and we tell you what shoes to put on!
Each professional area has unique features that should be assessed and studied individually.


The feet should be taken care of from a young age!
Children’s footwear counselling is also a consultation concern, because on some cases, proper footwear is enough to solve the problem.

Sports Podiatry

Prevent injuries in your sports activity!

Book your appointment now!